About The Artist

Hello, my name is Nick Watson, and I am from Saint Albans, West Virginia. Aside from a few high school art classes I am a self-taught artist with a wicked case of imposter syndrome. I don't necessarily enjoy using the word artist but since other people have referred to me as such, I suppose it's time to finally embrace it. 

I stay up late and wake up early. I run on an obscene amount of caffeine as to keep that cycle going. I am severely impatient but also tend to procrastinate. I am seemingly only comfortable being uncomfortable. You get the point. 

As a young child, way back before all that silly contradictory adult behavior, I was consistently drawing, and creating little magazines and books, often with original characters and themes. As life unfolded, I quit noticing things in the clouds. I rarely drew. I distracted myself in a variety of unhealthy ways. The only time I created was on request from family or co-workers. Otherwise, I would stare at a blank paper for a minute, and when I couldn't think of anything to draw I would give up. I drifted away from my creative nature and tried to conform to society, as I was repeatedly reminded of the futile nature of creative endeavors. After some twists and turns, and some peaks and valleys, here I am. I feel like I'm finally getting back to my roots and expressing myself after so many years of suppressing what I am. And most importantly, enjoying myself along the way!

In 2017 a long-term illustration opportunity for a robotics start-up in Boston presented itself. I created nearly 500 custom cartoon portraits of their incoming employees, as well as many other illustrations for conference rooms, etc. before ending in early 2023 when they were purchased by Walmart. 

In the summer of 2021 I designed an interior sign for a former employer (a mosaic of abstract paintings with attached lettering), which sparked a newfound love for painting. It was so unexpected and out of character, as I always worked small, and detailed. I have since been consistently painting a variety of subjects, after initially only abstracting I have been incorporating characters or scenes, usually involving some take on society, or at times of a lighthearted apocalyptic nature.  In early 2022 I put some pieces in my hometown Coal River Coffee Company coffee shop, where I regularly rotate newer work, and actually sell a few now and then! In the late summer of 2023 I was accepted into Tamarack again for the category of painting/fine art.

When painting I rarely go into it with an idea. It is very liberating to work in a relaxed and intuitive way. I no longer stare at a blank page and give up. I see infinite possibilities. Where the colors and shapes evolve into something, and then the themes and ideas factor in. The magic happens. There are not many things more rewarding than the resourceful nature of pulling something out of nothing, like a child looking at the clouds.

It may be to my detriment, but I don't focus on cohesiveness. I find that it stifles my creativity. My paintings reflect life. Ups and downs, smiles and frowns.

In closing, I wish to provide art that is affordable, usually colorful, sometimes uplifting and sometimes sad, and hopefully thought-provoking. It is very fulfilling to finally be expressing myself, but most importantly my goal is to inspire. Hopefully, I can help others to embrace who they are, and do what they love. Passion should not be relegated to hobbies or side-projects. It should be a way of life. I like to describe it simply as: The thing that makes me feel. The thing that seems real.